Presentación del documental Etnográfico «Pastores en Resistencia» en el Political Ecology Seminar series. Thursday 8 Feb 2024, 13:00 – 14:30.

October 24th 2023, 12h Room 3.39 Invited Conference: “Displacing shepherds: social and geographical (im)mobilities in Catalonia (Spain) during and after the COVID-19 pandemicat the Migration Seminar Series of the Institute of Social Sciences in The Hague, Netherlands.

In this presentation, I will explore the case of pastoralism in the region of Catalonia (Spain). Extensive and semi-extensive grazing activity (i.e. shepherds who move with their herds in fixed or mobile pens) is at risk of dying out. There are a series of pressures facing those who engage in these activities: an increasingly restrictive legal context; difficulties accessing land, pasture or forests and housing in rural areas; stagnant meat and milk prices over the last 30 years; and a subsidy policy that forces them into increasing professionalisation and technologisation in order to survive.

From the perspective of economic anthropology, I use a qualitative methodology to examine the situation of pastoralists today. What is happening to the flexibility attributed to this economic form? How is the peasant economy being de-pastoralised? What types of resistance are emerging in response?

This presentation is supported by the project ‘Valuable food, essential workers, vulnerable people and social responses to crisis: food provisioning systems in the COVID-19 pandemic (2021-2023)’ (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, PID2020-114317GB-I00).


05-06 june 2023.Participation  at the Degrowth and Anthropology Workshop. London School of Economics. London. Presentation of the talk  “Your herd or your life! the long term process of de pastoralisation and public policies in Catalonia, Spain”.


Some of the results of the workshop are published on the blog






  • Working on a Special Issue on public policies and social spaces together with Gabriele Orlandi (Aix-Marseille Université), Panas Karampampas (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences) and Agata Hummel (University of Warsaw).
  • Conducting fieldwork for the project “Valuable food, essential workers, vulnerable people, and social responses to crisis: Food provisioning systems during the COVID-19 pandemic (FOOD-Pan)”.



  • Publication: Gómez, Molina, Patraca y Esribano (2021). Advice to the co-management committee of the cuttlefish of the bays of Roses and Pals for the implementation of a socio-economic program (Assessorament al comitè de co-gestió de la sèpia de les badies de Roses i Pals per a la posada en marxa d’un programa socioeconòmic).
  • In progress: Escribano, P. Intentional Communities. As part of for  The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability edited by Robert Brinkmann
  • In progress: Escribano, P & Hummel, A. (Forthcoming). Live by producing seasonal vegetables. Causes, processes and consequences of the formalization of the small-scale agroecological informal economy


  • New project: “The impact of public policies on the peasantry of Koduvayoor (Palakkad) in Kerala, India” Convocatòria XXXVIII of the Fons de Solidaritat of the UAB


Publications in process

  • Hummel, Agata & Escribano, Paula (forthcoming). “Peasants, farmers and tractor drivers”. Exploring the power relations between the public authorities and the neo-peasant movement in Catalonia, Spain. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment  (CAFE). (Under revision) (SJR Q1)
  • Hummel, Agata & Escribano, Paula (forthcoming). The infrapolitics of the neo-peasant movement: a claim for legitimacy. Sociologia Ruralis (Under revision). (JCR Q1, SJR Q1)